Nos glamorosos anos 50, Nova Iorque resplandecia num pós-guerra promissor, e celebrava, com requinte e elegância, um tempo de desenvolvimento e de novas oportunidades. Para as jovens talentosas e empreendedoras abriam-se agora possibilidades até então apenas sonhadas. Esta é a história vibrante de uma dessas jovens, Lucia Sartori, uma mulher apaixonada e determinada que arrisca perseguir os seus sonhos. Filha de uma próspera família de negociantes italianos e única mulher entre uma série de irmãos, é a jovem mais bonita e pretendida de Greenwich Village. Lucia luta por conciliar o aparentemente inconciliável - a sua realização pessoal nas sofisticadas e sumptuosas esferas da alta-costura e uma relação harmoniosa com uma família profundamente enredada nas convenções mais tradicionais. Um retrato deslumbrante de um mundo de luxo, sensualidade e requinte, que Adriana Trigiani resgata das faldas do tempo através de uma escrita que ostenta o brilho e a exuberância do próprio universo que faz reviver nas páginas deste livro.
A Wedding in December brings together a group of prep school friends more than 20 years later at an inn in western Massachusetts. The inn is owned by Nora, who married a famous poet and is now widowed, and she's hosting the marriage of Bill and Bridget. They were high school sweethearts who married other people before discovering each other again. Bridget, though, has breast cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. The other friends include Harrison, who is still haunted by the drowning death of a friend back in their senior year, and Agnes who is now a teacher at the prep school. Agnes is writing a novel based around the explosion during World War I that devastated Halifax, Nova Scotia, and her novel within the novel parallels the lives of her friends and may expose the secret Agnes still carries with her. Anita Shreve's novel has received mixed reviews with the Washington Post saying, "I really liked this book. It's beautifully and imaginatively written. But I also have to admit that A Wedding in December works at one level as exceedingly high-class domestic porn -- a paean to how we all wish we could live if we had the time, money, discipline and dedication."
When Harriet Mahoney first sees it, Isabel Krug’s bed is covered in sheared sheep and littered with celebrity biographies. The unpublished, fortyish, and recently jilted Harriet has fled Manhattan for a room atop a Cape Cod dune. There, in Isabel’s loudly elegant retreat, she’ll ghostwrite The Isabel Krug Story, based on the sexy blonde’s scandalous tabloid past. Unusually talend in the man department (“I give lessons”), Isabel revamps and inspires Harriet as they gear up to tell all, including the tangled story Isabel shares with her odd lodger, Costas. Life according to Isabel is a soap-opera extravanganza, an experience to be swallowed whole – and the attitude is catching…